Episode #482 – Tuesday July 30th – Hour 1 Episode #482 – Tuesday July 30th – Hour 1 http://guerillamedianetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Episode-482-Tuesday-July-30th-Hour-1_128.mp3
Episode #482 – Tuesday July 30th – Hour 2 Episode #482 – Tuesday July 30th – Hour 2 http://guerillamedianetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Episode-482-Tuesday-July-30th-Hour-2_128.mp3
Episode #482 – Tuesday July 30th – Hour 3 Episode #482 – Tuesday July 30th – Hour 3 http://guerillamedianetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Episode-482-Tuesday-July-30th-Hour-3_128.mp3
Episode #482 – Tuesday July 30th – Hour 4 Episode #482 – Tuesday July 30th – Hour 4 http://guerillamedianetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Episode-482-Tuesday-July-30th-Hour-4_128.mp3
* All comments may be directed to http://petersantilli.com/chat, or speak to Pete directly by calling during the live show at 218-862-9829 Mon-Sat 11am PST
Tuesday July 30, 2013
Special Guest: Sheriff Richard Mack Talks 2nd Amendment and Police Chief Mark Kessler
Richard Ivan Mack is the former sheriff of Graham County, Arizona, and a two-time candidate for United States Congress. He is frequently referred to simply as “Sheriff Mack.”
Mack spent eleven years with the police department of Provo, Utah, and then moved back to Arizona to run for Graham County Sheriff in 1988. While serving as sheriff, he attended the FBI National Academy and graduated in 1992. In 1994, he was named Elected Official of the Year by the Arizona-New Mexico Coalition of Counties. He was also named the National Rifle Association Law Enforcement Officer of the Year for 1994, and was inducted into the NRA Hall of Fame.
During his tenure as sheriff, Mack received national attention for initiating Mack v. United States (later restyled to Printz v. United States), a lawsuit against the federal government which alleged that portions of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act violated the United States Constitution, because they comprised a congressional action that compelled state officers to execute Federal law. These portions were interim provisions until a national instant background check system for gun purchasers could be implemented. In a 5–4 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that the provisions of the Brady Act in question were, in fact, unconstitutional.
Mack ran as a Libertarian candidate for United States Senate in Arizona in 2006.
In 2012, Mack opposed 13-term Representative Lamar Smith, who introduced and sponsored the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act legislation, in the House election Republican primary for Texas’s 21st Congressional district. The primary was held on May 29. Mack lost, receiving 14.78% (10,111) of the votes.
Mack announced in 2011 that he was initiating a lawsuit against the Southern Poverty Law Center for libel, slander, and defamation.
In 2009, Mack appeared in interviews on a cable public access show and a one-person website, in which he discussed his membership in Oath Keepers, and the importance of police officers and members of the military upholding their oaths to the U.S. Constitution.
He currently speaks at various events as “a strong advocate of states’ rights and individual freedoms.”
Mack has authored several books relating to gun laws, ownership and the role that law enforcement should play in America.
- The County Sheriff America’s Last Hope
- The Proper Role of Law Enforcement
- From My Cold Dead Fingers: Why America Needs Guns with Timothy Robert Walters (1994)
- THE NAKED SPY: His Mission Began the Day He Died (2005)
- The MAGIC of Gun Control (2011)
The Bunker News-Break with Patrick Henningsen Patrick Henningsen is a Geo-Political Analyst, Investigative Journalist, and Human Rights Activist Patrick Henningsen, brings hardcore international headlines and commentary to The Pete Santilli Show. Un-compromised reporting, every single day.
The President has put out a contract on the Fourth Amendment
DC bond ‘denied’ during Adam Kokesh’s court hearing
21Wire + RT | Political activist and freedom seeker.
Radio legend Art Bell returns to the airwaves with ‘Dark Matter’
21Wire+ AP | Radio legend Art Bell returns, making another bid for radio supremacy after dark.
Manning not guilty of ‘aiding the enemy’ will face other charges
21Wire + RT | Bradley Manning is found not guilty of aiding the enemy.
NSA X Files: New Species of Deadly Reptilian Invertebrate Found in Washington DC
Patrick Henningsen | A rare new species of political animal has been discovered slithering around Capitol Hill.
‘Cause of Action’ investigates tax exempt status of Obamacare advocacy group ‘Enroll America’
21Wire + The Hill | Sebelius has been linked to a host of controversial healthcare moves.
Snowden Asylum Could Trigger US Sanctions Against Russia
21WIRE + AP | As usual, Lindsey Graham is leading the charge to send America over the cliff of morality and logic.
Show Credits:
Pete Santilli – Host/Chief Editor/Owner Guerilla Media Network
Susannah Cole – Co-Host/Content Producer/Journalist
Patrick Henningsen – Producer – Bunker News Break – Investigative Journalist
Ashley Jones – Guest Coordinator – Staff Support
Jill Hornbeck – Assistant to Ms Cole and Pete Santilli – Social Media Support – Staff Support – Marketing
Adam Clark – Administrative Support – Social Media Support – WebPage Support – Journalist
Bryan McClain – WebMaster
©The Pete Santilli Show is produced exclusively for ©The Guerilla Media Network. All Rights Reserved
Show Chronology Courtesy Of: Jill Hornbeck
Chronology Episode 482 July 30, 2013 PST
10:00am – 10:30am
Pete starts off the show with a GMN news break. Pete and Susannah talk about the catholic religion allowing their priests to be openly gay. Susannah said that Bradly Manning is not guilty of aiding the enemy and being released. Bruce Montalvo comes on the line to talk with Pete and Susannah about the news.
10:30am -11:00am
Pete reports that Chief Kessler is going to a hearing tomorrow in Gilberton Pennsylvania. They are decided whether or not he gets to keep his job. Bruce and Pete talk about the reporter that showed the Kessler video on a children’s playground. Pete calls the journalist. The journalist doesn’t even know what the NDAA is.
11:00am – 11:30am
Pete brings Sherriff Mack on the line. He says that the CSPOA is looking for a solution. He says that the tenth amendment needs to be enforced. Pete and Sheriff Mack talk about the IRS and the bogus tax system. Sherriff Mack thinks that Chief Kessler has been out of line. Sheriff Mack thinks that Chief Kessler shouldn’t have cussed and doesn’t like his plans for armed march in Washington.
11:30am – 12:00pm
Sheriff Mack thinks that we need to take all the necessary peaceful steps to deal with our government. Mike Zullo did a presentation at the CSPOA. Sheriff Mack says that Sheriff Arpaio has made a formal complaint about Obama’s birth certificate. Sheriff Mack says that a lot of the information that Pete asks him about have already happened. For CSPOA support go here
12:00pm – 12:30pm
Pete takes a call from Amess. Amess disagrees with Sheriff Mack because he thinks it’s time to start being real and stop being politically correct. Patrick Henningsen comes on the line for the Bunker News Break. He reports that Bradly Manning’s case is just beginning. Patrick reports that there have been huge Jihadist jail breaks in several Middle Eastern countries.
12:30pm – 1:00pm
Pete and Patrick talk about Evil Kinevil and Art Bell. Pete reports there is a Franken Chameleon, a new creature that has been identified on Capitol Hill… spineless Democrats and Republicans. Patrick says that sewage water is mixed with the drinking water in Gaza and Israel has control of the clean bottled water.
1:00pm – 1:30pm
Pete and Patrick talk about black holes, the sun having a hole and the paranormal. Russia reports that they discovered nothing from Snowden. Tim from Nevada calls to say he is pissed that the sheriffs have a bunch of information, but they aren’t doing much with it. Pete and Tim talk about a pyramid in Area 51. Nemo calls in to say that he wanted to go to support Chief Kessler, but his tires suck.
1:30pm- 2:00pm
Pete, Susannah and Patrick discuss boycotting the insurance company that is planning on pulling out of Chief Kessler’s county. Pete calls the Brown and Brown office.